Using credit cards wisely can be helpful in many ways. They assist in building your credit history, offer rewards for everyday spending, and, with the right approach, can even help you achieve your travel dreams and financial goals. Personally, I’ve had many different types of credit cards in the past, and I currently keep about a handful of them in use. Most of my cards are from Chase because I appreciate their points transfer options and their generally generous sign-up bonuses. Over the years, I’ve earned and transferred over a million points, primarily to United Airlines and Southwest Airlines, which are my preferred airlines. However, recently, I’ve been enjoying the Capital One Venture card, which earns me 2 points for every purchase.
The primary way to accumulate points and cash back is through sign-up bonuses. It’s important to note that most new cards require good or excellent credit to apply. Therefore, maintaining a positive credit history is crucial. Additionally, each time you apply for a credit card or a loan, the financial institution will need to check your credit. These credit checks, known as hard pulls, stay on your credit report for two years. Having too many hard pulls in a short time can have a negative impact on your credit score. So, it’s essential to carefully plan which credit cards to apply for and when to apply.
Here is a list of credit cards that I recommend:
Personal Cards:
- Capital One Venture Card
- Chase Sapphire Preferred Card
- Southwest Rapid Reward Card
Business Cards:
- Chase Ink Business Cash
- Chase Ink Business Unlimited
These cards offer various benefits and can be excellent choices depending on your specific needs and preferences.