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The power of compound interest
Someone said compounding is the eighth wonder of the world, and I believe this is truly the case. I remember when I was in elementary school, a classmate asked me if I would choose to take $100 or choose...
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Real Estate vs. Stock Market Which Investment Is Right for You
When it comes to investing, two major approaches are commonly employed: real estate and the stock market. Real estate generates ongoing income through rental payments and lease agreements. Unlike certain...
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Maximizing Rewards: A Year of my Credit Card Moves Unveiled!
As we approach the end of 2023, it’s time to reflect on the past year and summarize my activities. In 2023, I opened a few new credit cards to enhance the return on my funds and prepare for upcoming...
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Unlocking Financial Independence: My Journey from Paycheck to Prosperity
Establishing a strong foundation for managing money, savings, and spending at an early age is a crucial step toward financial literacy and independence. Many people find themselves in their early 20s,...
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